Build Your Program
Automate Client Aquisition
Scale Your Business


Discover New Possibilities

Are you a consultant, trainer, expert or entrepreneur?
Do you want to get paid more for your expertise?

Automatically acquire better clients, ready and willing to pay you for your help. Input your knowledge into a battle-tested proven system that creates positive change and have a lot of fun doing it.

Free Your Brain & Focus

Automated Selling uses a systematic step by step approach to building a business online.It’s clear, easy to follow and eliminates technical challenges, distractions freeing your brain to focus on what your next most important action is.

Build Your Offering:

Sidestep confusion and technical headaches with our proven ‘results based’ training framework. Build anoffer that professionally presents your knowledge and expertise while achieving high-level results for your clients.

Automate Client Acquisition:

Avoid cold calling, prospecting, or pawning knowledge off at a discount using unsustainable traffic methods. Attract a consistent stream of clients who want your help and are ready to use your program. No awkward sales pitches or uncomfortable manipulation tactics needed. Use an accurate, targeted approach to client acquisition.

Scale Your Business

A clear and strategic growth plan ensures you scale your business safely. Transparent sales data helps you to maximize profits while maintaining a high levelof customer service and client results.

Here’s How We Do It

When you become part of of Automated Selling you immediately receive:

Proven Process:

We’ve removed the guesswork from running a successful business online, turning it into a precise, easy to follow system. Follow proven step by step instructions that guide you efficiently towards your goal.

Automation Software:

Prevent misunderstandings additional expenses or confusion. We provide al of the software tools you need to run your business successfully online. Because we provide you with our in-house suite of tools we’re able to provide you thorough training as well as the support you need to fully automate your business.

Supportive Community:

It’s difficult to run a business surrounded by the wrong people. Join a group of friendly and supportive Entrepreneurs. Ask questions, brainstorm and collaborate. Have fun and achieve success faster surrounded by the right people.

Expert Mentorship:

Get guidance, advice and help from successful Entrepreneurs. Join weekly live Q&A meetings. Bounce ideas off our team or get clarity on any of our training videos you had questions about. We’re committed to helping you in any way we can.

Grow Your Understanding & Increase
Your Business IQ

Benefit long term with a solid foundational business education. Improve your self awareness and ability to identify strengths and weaknesses. Formulate and execute business ideas
with a higher rate of efficiency and success.

Business Fundamentals:

Market Research, Selecting your niche, branding & reserving your domain.

Product Development:

Planning & executing your product. Refining & perfecting products that deliver your clients results.


Product positioning, where to advertise and a targeted approach to reaching your audience.


Selling your product to the right people in a way that’s non-pushy but works.

Website & Funnels:

Build professional websites and high converting sales funnels. Testing your offering and optimizing your web pages for high conversion rates.

Decision Making:

Make better choices for your business, become decisive and make the right decisions for your business.

Systems & Organization:

Organize your day, run your organization effectively, overcome difficulties and solve problems.

Personal Development:

Developing a deeper understanding of yourself and becoming the person your clients want. Setting the right goals, establishing successful routines and executing a clear plan.

Paid Advertising:

Targeting, Scaling your ad campaigns and profiting fast with paid traffic.

Accounting, Tax & Law:

How to plan, organize and what software to use to ensure all transactions are accounted for and tax is done correctly.

Hiring & Management:

Managing a team while your business grows, what roles you need and how to find the right people for your business.

Scaling & Automation:

Use technology to scale your business, automate processes and maximize profits.

Apply To Join Our Automated Selling Program Today

Watch a quick video below from CEO & founder Sam Bakker and learn how you can apply to join one of our programs.

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